Wednesday, April 2, 2008

lights? who needs 'em

well, our house is about 85 years old. Needless to say, it has some issues. Most recently, our light went out in the bathroom. we changed the bulb. Nope, still doesn't work. Must be a wiring thing. Oh well. We haven't the $$ to redo any wiring SO we just left it. We haven't had electricity in that room for about a month now. We have a large west facing window that lights the room most of the time. so far so good! Besides, evening baths by candlelight are blissful!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Confessions of a diaper junkie

You know you're a diaper junkie when somebody gives you cute easter colored dinner napkins and all you can think is "COOL! FLAT FOLDS!!!"... I've got it baaaaad........

Thursday, March 20, 2008

tires, and bikes, and washers, oh my!!

tomorrow I start planting in my tire garden. I drove around the city running my errands and found 9 tires in 2 days. I've cleaned them ,cut them and arranged them. Tomorrow I fill and plant them. I also found a couple of buddies who are going to help me build my pedal powered washing machine. I say 'me and my' because my family thinks i'm nutzo and is not at all into the whole permaculture/sustainability thing. I am adding on to our chicken coop. A couple of our 'bantams' turned out to be quite large. I guess thats what you get when you buy from random feed shops, eh? One is a rooster too. Shit. Its one thing to keep a goat, a pig, and three chickens illegally in the city.. but a rooster? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! well, we'll see how things go. My neighbors mind there business for the most part. Lest see if I can get away with the greywater system frm the bathroom ;0)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Short Bus?

I have decided I am going to make an attempt at writing a short for the ' My Baby rides the Short Bus' anthology. I am not a writer by any means, other than my horribly typed blogs that propbably only makes sense in my own head. With THAT being said, it is a strong possibility that it won't be published or one of the chosen stories. I'm good with that. I just want to say that I tried. I feel an overhwelming need to be around/communicate with people like me. I always feel so alienated. I am different than everyone else I know. Even my partner is my exact opposite. Maybe by trying this I can connect with someone. Where are all of the crunchy granola lesbian moms, anyway? I know your out there somewhere! I have like..ooohhhhhh. 5 different blogs? All with the same purpose 'seek out new life and new civilizations...' I have made a very good friend via the internet, but NOT because of my blogging.. guess it doesn''t really work eh? My hip mama blog is more poetic , my myspace blog is more of a rant, my OTHER myspace blog is all about permaculture, this bog is new-therfore has not yet developed a personality, my livejournal blog is decease.. I never really go there anymore Tribe net blog also deceased since they want to charge now. BME blog has been dead and buried for a couple of years now.. Still no luck on the like minded individuals..

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

that perfect feeling

random musings... Have you ever awaken and felt completely right? Just like everything is as it should be and that that isn't, will be? I had that morning yesterday. I woke up with a song in my heart, a smile on my lips, and a sensational sense of peace. I tried desparately to cling to this feeling as if it were my very lifes blood. slowly throughout the day, it faded. Between the cries of children and barking dogs I managed to lose my bliss. I think it leaked out of my ears when I bent over to clean poop of of my foot. That feeling is what makes As I lay in bed that night, all bitchy about all of the crap I endured over the past 14 hours of my day, I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I felt my pulse slow, my muscles relaxed and I searched the deepest depths of my soul for my lost feeling. I first I thought 'maybe I should plug up my ears before I do this, so it doesn't fall out again. Then- as if by magic I felt my heart warm, a song was coming, my lips were smiling. Visions of my not so perfect , yet awesome life danced through my brain to the drum beat of my inner being. I found it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


ok, apparently the pink thing, Uniqua, is just that! I have spent many a day trying to figure out what the hell she was supposed to be. I finally decided to look it up. She is a.... Uniqua from the planet Uniqua. I feel much better now , but I do wish it was mentioned more on the show because her whole point of exhistence is to tell kids its ok to be different, but most of them spend all the time being confused because they don't know what she is instead of focusing on her being happy with being different! Welcome to 6am at Ambers house...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Post number one

I have not yet quite figured out this blog, so bare (correct usage?) with me people. My main reason in starting this blog was to find like minded indiviuals to share ideas,recipes,parenting woes, parnter woes, funny little things our children did,a shoulder to cry on when my favorite plants die, or I can't figure out how the chickens keep gettin' out of their house. If you feel you may fit this select group, I welcome you. If you don't, and you happened upon this little slice of blogger bandwagon by chance, good luck!